Meet with other business owners for a PR masterclass on each one of these sessions we will deep dive into a particular element of PR that is crucial to the attendees and relevant.

Themes explored will be:

What is PR and how is its important?

PR strategy

Ensuring this is aligned to you and your business.

Not got one? We will help you to write one

What do you want to achieve?

Do you have a marketing strategy and how PR can fit into it?

Who are you targeting?

Who’s your ideal client?

What media do they consume?

Where do you need to be?

What’s your story?

What does your dream client enjoy reading?

What angles would your ideal media be interested in?

What makes you interesting?

What next?

Have you got all your ducks in a row?

How do you find the right journalist?

How do you pitch and sell in your story?

When should you pitch it?

This first session will be all about where to begin with your PR and what to do first so you can ditch the overwhelm!

If you are already doing PR or have done in the past then “how do you review what you have done” and “what should be next”.

I take over 20 years experience in PR to help you to get this cracked.

Get this right and you and/or your business are seen as the go to expert(s) at what you do meaning -

  • Less chasing

  • Your ideal clients will start coming to you

  • Clients will hear about you before they meet you

  • You will get recommendations

  • Clients will be referred to you by others

  • People will ask you for your expert advice

  • You will receive new opportunities

  • Others will tag you into social media posts when sometime asks advice

  • Media will want to write about you, coming to you rather than other way around

  • You may get award nominations

  • In the long term maybe honorary degrees, MBEs or OBEs

    It all starts here on Wednesday 20th November from 10am-3pm online with a break for lunch!

Just £149.95

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