Want to break into corporate? PR can help you to do that.

What to increase recommendations and referrals? PR can do that.

What recognition for what you do in your industry? PR can do that.

Following on from the free webinar. These sessions will include a mini dive into PR showing how you can use it to become seen as the expert at what you do.

Exploring the news and story angles for your business with some quick action take aways to impact your business when it comes to PR.

Looking at the seasonality of media so you understand what to pitch into the media and when.

Identifying what is hot right now and making the news so you can get a piece of the action.

I take the exact work I do with corporate clients in strategy sessions and give it to you for a fraction of the investment so you can make in roads into this lucrative market to use PR to become seen as the EXPERT.

Get the referrals. Get the recommendations. Get recognition. Get results.

You will know who, how and what to speak to the media about after our session.

These 2 hour sessions will be delivered in person in Manchester

from 10am-12 noon on the following dates -

5th December 2024

10th January 2025

11th February 2025

Book on below and let me know which session you'd prefer or come to more than one (payment is per session just adjust quantity). Each session will be different as relevant to the time of year, season and media climate.

Only £49.95 per session

Just £49.95

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